Packing your wine bottles with care will protect them in transit and create the best possible presentation of your product when your customer receives it. That’s why we’ve created this guide on how to package wine for shipping with VinPak.

Reach out to our staff to learn about our affordable, efficient, and eco-friendly wine packaging and supplies.

Choosing the Right Wine Shipping Materials

The first step to securing your wine in transit is choosing packaging that will protect the bottle from breaking and the label from scuffing. Good wine packaging will also make efficient use of space to help you save on storage and transportation costs. In addition, studies show that the majority of customers, especially younger customers, cite sustainability as a factor when making a purchase. If you use wine shippers made from eco-friendly materials, you can list that information in your product details, so your customers feel confident when recycling the wine packaging.

Bottles in shipper

What Is VinPak?

VinPak wine shippers are made to keep your wine safe and secure during shipping. They use recyclable plastic trays inside of durable boxes to create a clean, efficient, and presentable way to package your wine.

Our 750 ml VinPak shippers are available in 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, and 12-bottle formats. We also offer 375 ml VinPak shippers for 3, 6, 9, 12, and 24 bottles.

Our Guide to Shipping a Bottle of Wine with VinPak

Ensure the Bottle is Secured

VinPak uses a minimalist design to save both space and materials, while also making the process of packaging your wine short and simple.

  1. The first step is to close the flaps at the bottom of the box and tape it shut, covering the main seam down the middle of the box as well as both ends. When you’re done, the tape will make an “H” shape on the bottom of the box.
  2. Next, you can place the first insert into the box. The recycle code should be facing up, and the T-shaped pressure points of the inserts will face down. Now you can place your first bottles of wine into the box, fitting them to the mold. The next insert will be placed over the top of the bottles, this time with the recycle code facing down and the Ts facing up. This creates a buffer above the bottles.
  3. If you are shipping a larger package with multiple levels, you can place the next insert into the box. The insert’s recycle code will face up and its T-shaped pressure points will be aligned between the lower inserts. Then you can place the next layer of bottles and the next insert with the recycle code facing down. Continue this pattern until your package is complete for the quantity of bottles you are shipping.
  4. Once you have filled the box, you can tape the top of it closed in the same “H” shape that you taped the bottom. Please keep in mind that VinPak inserts must be used with their respective Tamarack boxes to be accepted for shipping.

For more on how to package wine for shipping with VinPak, we also have an instructional flyer with pictures and a video demonstrating the steps to securing your wine bottles.

Personalize the Order with Custom Wine Packaging

If you want to give your order a signature touch, consider using custom wine packaging. We offer custom designs that feature your logo and brand colors that can turn your packaging into a mobile advertisement. In addition to custom VinPak boxes, we also offer custom packaging tape and shippable gift boxes, as well as wine bags and carriers.

Research Your Local Laws on Shipping Wine

The laws on retail and direct shipping of wine bottles can vary from state to state, and there may be further rules regarding dry communities or the number of cases allowed per year. That’s why it’s important to research the specific laws of your state and the state you are shipping the wine to. You may choose to apply for a shipping license yourself or utilize a company that holds licenses for shipping wine in each state.

Choose a Carrier

FedEx and UPS are the two main choices for shipping alcohol in the United States. VinPak wine shippers have gone through 3A general simulation testing by the International Safe Transit Association, and they are accepted by both FedEx and UPS.

Why Choose VinPak?

VinPak wine shippers will help your product make a great first impression on your customers. The smooth surface of the VinPak tray reduces the amount of scuffing your labels sustain in transit. For 750 ml bottles, we offer clear or black trays for an ideal presentation of your bottle. Clear trays allow your customers to see your labels as soon as they open the box, and black trays create a beautiful backdrop to your bottles that allow your labels to really pop.

VinPak is also made from durable, recyclable material that is easy for your staff to handle, resulting in quicker packing time. It also nestles compactly to take up a minimal amount of space in storage.

Tamarack Industries was created with the goal of making high-quality, affordable products that are made from recycled materials that can be recycled in turn. VinPak is made from PET plastic, which is a strong but lightweight material that can be continuously recycled. This allows us to create sustainable packaging products that keep plastic out of landfills.

We offer a VinPak return program to promote the recycling of our plastic inserts. For every pound of VinPak shippers that you send back to us (which is about three trays), we’ll reimburse you for 10 cents.

Additional Wine Products

In addition to VinPak and our custom packaging options, we offer a range of sustainable products for tasting rooms, restaurants, and retailers. They include Kraft wine paper bags, reusable bags, and corrugated carriers.

Single-bottle Paper Wine Bag with Handles

Wine Paper Bags

3-Bottle Reusable Wine Bag


4-Bottle Fully Enclosed Shipper

Corrugated Carriers

Wine Shipping Supplies from Tamarack

Interested in ordering VinPak wine shippers? Reach out to our staff for a free quote. We also ship VinPak samples that allow you to see how they work in person.

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